Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Day 4

So this is Wednesday. . . I began the throwing up, head aches, body aches, chills, fever, and general discomfort on Sunday. Here I am three days later and I still feel just as bad if not worse than day one. I had a test today. . . a BIG one. But I should back up a little and tell more of the story leading to the test.

Since I was a young tot, reading and studying has always made me feel kind of ill. Maybe just because I've never liked it, but I really think it is physiological. I've known about this test for a few days now and I just kept thinking 'I'll be well tomorrow, then I can study.' I'd been thinking that for a few days and then it hit me last night while I was laying on my couch. . . I don't have a tomorrow to study. I must study now. So I pulled out my trusty computer and began looking over my notes.

Have you ever had one of those head aches when you honestly feel like there must be a knife stabbed in through your skull into your brain, you just can't see it. Well I have.

As I was studying I began to feel as if there was a bomb in my head and it was counting down to explosion. Every pounding sensation I felt was one tick closer to detonation. I simply couldn't go on anymore. I knew that I had to stop. So I did. I quit studying.

I figured that going to bed and sleeping would bring me relief but it was to no avail. The pain was too much to handle. So I cut off my head. . . OK, I didn't but I wanted to. As I was in my bed my mom decided to come check on me. She came in my room and said, "How are you doin' sweetie?" the words weren't life changing but they brought about a flood of tears. Followed by "I can't do this, I can't do this."

Tune in tomorrow for the answer to the question in your head. . . 'WHY?' and for the ever important conclusion of what I learned.

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