Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I’ve been taking really good care of my “pet” today. Mainly because I absolutely hate nothingness, I can’t stand that feeling of being absolutely useless. I let my “pet” die, but I am trying to resurrect it today. And you guys thought I was going to be talking about the resurrection of Christ. (grins to self)

I’ve been pondering random things these past few days:

· Passion – what it is and how we lose it

· Decisions – big ones in life and the ways different people go about making them

· Personality – traits that I am immediately drawn to and others that I am repulsed by

· Friends – how come it is so difficult to find real ones and why does life have to change when you finally do

· Family – they are always there for me, even when I think I’ve done enough to make them stop

· Romantic Relationships – the lack of (BOO)

· School – why is it necessary again

What are your thoughts on what I’ve been pondering? Insightful comments? What do you find yourself thinking about?


Anna Meadows said...

You're funny... what is your "pet"?

This is good... I can't wait to have coffee with you. Here are a few of my thoughts...

Passion--it's not just something that happens... we must activly cultivate it and put wood on the fire...

Decisions--I make my decisions based on a little thing called peace. If I need to make a big decision, I pray about it... I will usually pick the decision I have the most peace about.

Family--Well said. I like that. Same with God.

Romantic relationships--they will come... there's too much to do right now...

School--it is necessary for some people... instead of seeing school, look at your calling... does your calling require school? If so, it is only a stepping stone for all that God has for you! It won't always be like this... four years is really a short time when you compare it to the rest of your life.

Excerpts from the mind of me...

Charissa said...

I'm really glad that I have a friend like you who is a genius and incredibly encouraging. What you said about school is so true. I have been on major burn out lately, but you are right, 4 years is really just like 5 minutes in retrospect of a whole lifetime. You are right on with passion. It's definitely not just something that happens. It is acquired, and when you do acquire it if you don't keep feeding it eventually the blazing fire will be nothing but ash and smoke. After a while the remnants will be almost nonexistent.

I'm really excited about coffee too!

Oh and my blog is my "pet". Refer to my first post for more clarification.

Abbi said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!! I LOVE THIS!

Some "Abbi Thoughts" on the matter:

PASSION: It's the stuff that makes you feel ALIVE and ready to jump out of bed every day. You find passions by exploring and trying new things, so if you think you've "lost" it...go try something you've always wanted to try.

DECISIONS: Pray. Seek wisdom/advice from older people you trust and respect who've been there/done that. Pray. Don't fear trial and error. Pray. Pray. Pray.

PERSONALITY: Can I get an amen?

FRIENDS: Unfortunately, I think this gets harder the older you get, unless you are intentional about it. It takes time and effort, but mostly effort.

FAMILY: Amen to this also!! PLUS, aren't 'adopted families' (like the Meadows) great too?!

ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS: They are always just around the corner, unexpectedly (ask me how I know! ha!) Cherish your single time by doing whatever you want, whenever you want, with whomever you want. It won't always be like that. You have the whole rest of your life to be 1/2 of a couple. It pays to wait on God. He knows what He's doing. (I know you know this) ;)

SCHOOL: I love to learn, but sometimes school is a drag. It's just a season...and, if you are intentional, maybe you'll find some of those lifelong friends you're seeking! :)

I find myself constantly thinking about the future and what it has in store. Also, I daydream a lot about traveling and having a totally different career, or doing something like culinary school or event planning. (I think I am just starting to discover passions that have been pushed to the back burner).

Charissa said...

Abbi, first let me just say that every time I think about you I get a big smile on my face! =D

Everything you had to say is so right! I find myself thinking that you and I must share a brain or something because your thoughts on my thoughts are the same as my thoughts on my thoughts. (wow, that was a mouthful!)

I love traveling! Lets daydream together! I think you should try to find ways to make your somewhat "undiscovered" passions fit with your current occupation. Unless, of course, you want a new one. Then go for it and make them happen!