Thursday, February 21, 2008

Day 4 - The Sequel

Where was I? Ah yes, in tears. So as I was laying there in my bed with tears streaming down my face muttering “I can’t do this, I can’t do this” (by the way I learned that when we cry we always latch onto one phrase and say it over and over such as “I did my best” or “I can’t do this” – thanks for educating me Dane!)

Anyway, back to the story. My mom was concerned as any mother would be at her child’s dismay and so saw fit to ask me what I couldn’t do. I replied through sobs “Life, being sick, how am I supposed to take a test that I haven’t studied for and can barely open my eyes to look at it. Life’s not fair and I can’t do this.”

In the midst of my tears I had an epiphany, or maybe God just spoke to me, I’m not sure which it was. Perhaps when we have an epiphany it is because God is speaking to us. I don’t claim to know seeing as how I am not clear on the matter. Either way the words were Charissa can’t, God can. In the midst of my blubbering; Charissa can’t, God can. Realizing that God is in control of our lives and we don’t have to be is such a liberating feeling.

So I dried my tears and took some more Tylenol in attempts to soothe my pains away. The Tylenol helped, but the true relief was knowing that God has my back and when I can’t do something that’s exactly the time that He steps in to cover me. Yeah, He’s pretty much amazing!

Have you had some times in your life when you simply couldn’t go on or weren’t capable of doing what was asked of you and God stepped in to show Himself faithful?


Robin Meadows said...

Oh man...sorry you've been sick. Dirk saw your car hadn't moved in a few days....I think he was getting concerned! ; )

MANY times I couldn't go on....MANY times I couldn't do it anymore....somehow, I'm still here to tell about it!

He IS faithful!!

Charissa said...

The good news is that I am feeling MUCH better today. Praise Him!

Awe, he was concerned. I am the good daughter! :)

Anonymous said...

I love the joys that Dane brings to our lives. He has said things that make it all make sense...

Abbi said...

God is good! Glad you made it out alive (and with your head still attached!) :)