Sunday, April 27, 2008

Do I ever say no?

I was visiting with my good ol' friend, Anna, today and she asked me how one of my study groups went (I had told her previously that I had to go to one). I told her it went fine but I had a lot of work to do because my group delegated everything to do to me.

She told me that I need to learn to say "no" to people. . . that's a hard one for me. I like making people happy (even if it means doing more than my share of the work). I didn't really think that I had a problem with saying "no" until I got home and started working on all of the things that my group delegated me to do. Then I got a call from my sister-in-law asking me to come to dinner with her. Don't get me wrong. . . I wanted to go to dinner, I just knew that I didn't have the time. But I told her that I would because it would make her happy. So now I will stay up all night getting everything else finished.

I have a disease called Okay, whatever you want.

It's just like Dominoes, once you start saying "yes" you never can seem to stop. You just keep falling into something else.

I have a problem. . . and I'm going to start dealing with it.


Taylor Hale said...

I've heard that I have the same thing... Maybe we could fight this diesease together! haha. I love you!

michelle wyatt said...

i miss you!!!

michelle wyatt said...

I miss you!