Saturday, January 19, 2008


I was wondering the other day ‘is technology a friend or a foe?’ Sometimes it is used for great things such as medical advances and putting man on the moon. But in our everyday lives I start to doubt it. I was sitting with some very good friends of mine and I noticed that we weren’t talking to one another. This is not an uncommon event as we often sit in silence just thinking. When you are with good friends you don’t always have to talk there isn’t any uncomfortable silence. But we weren’t talking for a different reason, as I looked around the room every one of us had out our laptops and our cellular devices. We were facebooking and texting, trying to keep up with the world around us, and all of our social circles.

The irony is that while we were keeping up with our friends technologically, we were ignoring the ones closest to us. So I have decided to spend my time with my friends actually being with my friends, letting them have my undivided attention, if possible. Even if it means putting off posting a comment on that cute guy’s wall or that silly picture of me and a friend. I will do that on my own time, not my friends’.

I have come to the conclusion that technology is a great asset to my life, but with greatness comes responsibility. It is only helpful to me if I utilize t correctly.

What are some things in your life that distract you from the important stuff?


Taylor Hale said...

Hello? This is Charissa's abandoned blog, if you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to tell me. Oh wait, I can't take them right now, because I'm off being a student, daughter, and friend.


I hope you get it!! Life is dead without you!!



Charissa said...

Ah, Taylor! Don't let life be dead! You should live every single day of your life as if you may never get another because the truth is that you may not.

But I love you and I promise I will try to do better at keeping in touch!