Friday, January 4, 2008

I'm now officially a "blogger"

I've never really been one to write my thoughts down. I just share them with others when they are asked for (and sometimes even when they aren't). I had never really even considered the thought of creating a blog, until I was sitting down with a wise friend of mine and she told me that I had some great advice and should start blogging.

So I thought about it for a while, carefully contemplating the idea. I mean after all a blog is a big responsibility to take on. . . almost like a pet. You have to spend time a lot of time updating it. Just like you have to give a lot of time to say your dog to take it to the vet, the groomer, and for a walk everyday.

Also you have to add new blogs to your blog site everyday, if not everyday at least as often as you can, it should have a plethora of articles for a reader to take a gander at. This is just like feeding your dog, you have to provide it with nourishment everyday. If you can't make it happen everyday, you just shouldn't have a dog.

The last way that a blog is very similar to a pet is connection. You have to have a connection with your little dog. After all, if you don't have an actual relationship with it you will eventually grow tired of taking care of it. The same goes for a blog. You have a connection with your readers. They talk to you, give you feedback on your blogs, and share meaningful insight with you. . . and you, as a blogger, have the duty to keep the connection of the relationship going. By continuing to share insight and hopefully wisdom with them.

I've come to the conclusion that I am ready for a new "pet". Maybe some good will come of it!


Taylor Hale said...

Hey!! I like it. was that "wise friend" me?? jk!! i love u!!

Charissa said...

Nope, it was Robin Meadows. But You are a wise friend too... well sometimes. Haha.

Robin Meadows said...

Hey girlie! Thanks for calling me wise! Is that because of my gray hair? LOL

OK - make these blogs shorter or people won't read them....ask me how I know!

This will be fun. And don't worry about writing EVERY day---Mon-Fri works for most people.

I'll be checking here often!

Taylor Hale said...

well, thanks. SOMETIMES?? just kidding!! I hope your doing well!! And yes, I knew it wasn't me. You told me that on the phone... = )