Monday, June 30, 2008

The Gaps and the Babies - Gaps

In my last blog I mention that my teeth (before braces) were an overall mess. Filled with gaps and babies.

But I didn’t really explain the spiritual similarity of this, so I am now. But because the lessons are so good they deserve their own entries (grins to self). So this is PART 1 focusing on the gaps.

Gaps between teeth are no good. They allow food to get stuck between your teeth this can look gross and feel uncomfortable too. They also can cause all kinds of bad stuff to happen like cavities which require a lot of trips to the dentist to get the problems fixed. They can also make you feel insecure with your smile and like you need a lot of work to become attractive.

Ready for the spiritual lesson? Good!

Gaps are like the chasm that separates us from God. Things get put in the gap to make it bigger and bigger which separates us from Christ even more. In our own power we cannot get to God. It was only through His son, Jesus Christ, dying on the cross that a way was made.

We cannot close the gaps in our teeth by ourselves. It requires braces and a retainer (see my last post for the spiritual lesson about that). That chasm that separates us from the one true, holy, and just God can never be bridged in our own efforts. It requires God, the “bridger” of all gaps, the ultimate orthodontist! (Grins to self).

So how do we get across the giant gap?

Well it’s quite simple. Since we cannot bridge the gap ourselves; we simply walk over the one that Jesus has already made for us. Ask for forgiveness of your sins and tell God that you want the chasm that separates you from Him to be done away with. Tell Him that you want a relationship with Him, and ask Him to live in your heart. There is nothing we can do to get to God, except acknowledge that in our own power we can’t do it and then ask Him to do it for us. Because He is the ALMIGHTY and can do anything!!!

I encourage you, get rid of the gaps. I’m glad I did!

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